Find out if Coaching is for you...
Dream it, map it, then do it.
Find out if Coaching is for you... Dream it, map it, then do it.
What is a Personal Life Coach?
A Personal Life Coach is someone qualified to support, challenge, and motivate you to achieve your goals. A coach will help you to take action to move yourself towards your goals; help you discover how to overcome obstacles; identify your strengths and weaknesses, and enable you to move forward much quicker than you would on your own.
How does Life Coaching work?
Life Coaching focuses on exactly what you want to achieve. With the aid of a coach who is committed to you and your goals, you'll be able to enjoy a much happier life. The Life Coach will keep you focused and share their experience and expertise. Because every client, goal, and coach is different, every coaching contract is different. Some coaches specialize in certain areas over others. Some coaches follow a strict program and others do not. It’s important to choose the right coach for you and your goals to optimise a rewarding experience.
Who needs a life coach?
Ask any Coach who needs a coach, and they will always say everyone does. After considering what coaching is, ask yourself how many times you have been coached in your life. Most of us have been coached many times throughout our lives, at school, in sports, or even at work. Life Coaches are much the same. Everyone needs that voice of reason that nudges them to look deeper, reach deeper, and go further. Anyone who has a goal, a vision, and a mind ready for expansion would benefit from coaching.
What happens during a coaching session?
Each session will start with a review of the actions set in the last session and look at progress and success. We will then set a session goal to clearly set out what you want to achieve by the end of the day’s session. We will explore what has worked and any obstacles you have come across along the way in achieving this goal, using lots of techniques and creating options that you might not have thought of before.
How many Life Coaching sessions will I need?
This depends on what you want to achieve with your coaching and how quickly you want to get there. Most people come to a Life Coach with a life-changing goal in mind. To achieve this we break it down into smaller goals to be achieved at each session. For some people, this may take as few as 6 sessions and for others, it will be more. It is a personal decision based on individual goals.
Our Services
Because every journey is different we are currently designing specific offers for a variety of clients, so check often. To see what we currently have available click the link below.
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There’s no commitment, pressure, or obligation. Don’t let procrastination burn any more of your time.