Synastry Charts
Have your eye on a cutie? Maybe you want to see if you and a certain friend or coworker are really compatible or not. Are you better off friends, or maybe meant for more? Let’s check it out.
Have your eye on a cutie? Maybe you want to see if you and a certain friend or coworker are really compatible or not. Are you better off friends, or maybe meant for more? Let’s check it out.
Have your eye on a cutie? Maybe you want to see if you and a certain friend or coworker are really compatible or not. Are you better off friends, or maybe meant for more? Let’s check it out.
A synastry chart outlines mutual influences and characterises their chemistry. How they affect one another emotionally during their interactions is commonly described. Husband-wife, parent-child, siblings, business partner, and friend relationships are just a few of the many that can benefit from a Synastrychart analysis.
Synastry is a method used by astrologers to analyze the cross-energy between two people and is used to observe feelings of affection, communication, sexual compatibility, and attraction. It’s important to remember astrology shows us what can happen without intervention. You are always in charge of your decisions and outcomes. People change and grow in many ways, for many reasons.